Local News & Advice

The Best Places to Get Ice Cream in Wilmington
The weather is heating up, so this week, I posed to the social media world this question:Where is…

How Long Should It Take My Home to Sell?
If you’re getting ready to put your Wilmington home on the market, you’re probably wondering how long it’s…

Some of Our Favorite Wilmington Home Decor Artists
At The Cameron Team, we believe it’s important to support local businesses. They are the foundation of Wilmington’s…

10 Rustic Accents for Every Home
Do you like a touch of rustic? I do. It reminds me of living close to nature, but…

Decorate with Dooets: Modular Magnetic Framing
I have a confession to make. I bought my house over 7 years ago, and I have yet…

One to Buy, Two to Sell
It’s a question we often see in the real estate world, “If I’m buying a home and only…