Local News & Advice

Can Renovation Costs Be Included in My Home Loan?
You want to buy a home that needs some work, but you aren’t quite sure you can afford…

Which are the Most Important Rooms in a House to Stage?
In the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) recent report, 2015 Profile of Home Staging, over 2,000 real estate…

Should I Consider Purchasing a Multi-family Home?
A multi-family property is any building designed to house more than one family in separate housing units. The…

Walkability in Growing Demand in Greater Wilmington
A recent article in Builder Magazine, “Why Smart Builders Care About Walkability”, highlights the growing demand for homes…

In Addition to a Mortgage, What Costs Should Be Factored Into Owning a Home?
For some home buyers, the extra costs of owning a home can be a surprise. When calculating how…

Limits We Face Marketing Real Estate Listings
From the tools we use to manage paperwork to the way we market listings online, technology has become…