5 Factors You Can’t Ignore When Searching for Your Home

For most people, location is the deciding factor when buying…

Eight strategies to help you beat all cash offers

The current Wilmington real estate market is incredibly comp…

Buying a Home with Cash Vs. a Mortgage (Financing)

 Realtor® Melanie Cameron shares the benefits and dis…

6 Things You Should Know about Flood Zones When House Hunting

Here in Southeastern North Carolina, we are no strangers to …

How to Afford a Second Home in Wilmington

If you’re in a comfortable financial position as a homeown…

How can you know if a neighborhood is walkable?

Everyone has different preferences and priorities when it co…

Things You Can Negotiate When Buying a Home (Besides Money)

Buying a home in Wilmington is not a simple matter. Both the…

What is a Bridge Loan?

A bridge loan is a short-term loan, typically 6-12 months, t…

Should You Write a Seller Letter?

Inventory is tight and for many buyers, that means facing mu…