Tips for Moving with Children: Making the Transition Smooth and Exciting

Child Holding a Stuffed Rabbit with Moving Boxes in Background

Moving can be a stressful time for anyone, but it can be particularly tough on kids. The thought of leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and routines can be overwhelming. However, with the right approach, you can make the transition smoother and even exciting for your little ones. Let’s dive into some key tips to help your children adjust to the move and embrace their new home.

Involve Them in the Moving Process

One of the best ways to ease the stress of moving is to involve your children in the process. This gives them a sense of control and helps them feel more secure about the change. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Give Them a Special Box: Encourage your children to fill a box with their favorite treasures that they want to take to the new house. This can include toys, books, or any items that hold special memories. Having this box can provide comfort and a sense of familiarity in the new environment.
  • Let Them Help Pack: Depending on their age, let them help with packing their belongings. This can make them feel like an important part of the move and will give them the assurance of knowing the location of their belongings.
  • Create a Moving Countdown: Make a fun countdown calendar to the moving day. Each day, they can mark off another day closer to the big move.
Helping Mom Pack

Helping Mom Pack

Keep the Routine

Maintaining a routine can be crucial for children during a move. Try to keep their daily schedule as normal as possible leading up to and immediately following the move. This includes regular meal times, bedtimes, and activities. Familiar routines provide a sense of stability and normalcy.

Explore the New Area Together

Getting your kids excited about the new area is key to a successful transition. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit the New Neighborhood: If possible, take your children to visit the new neighborhood before the move. Show them the local parks, schools, and any other places of interest.
  • Plan Fun Activities: Research fun activities and attractions in the new area. Create a list of places to visit and things to do once you’ve moved.
  • Meet the Neighbors: If you know families in the new area, arrange playdates or introductions. Making new friends early can help your kids feel more at home.
Exploring New Places

Exploring New Places

Communicate Openly

Communication is vital during a move. Talk to your children about the move and listen to their concerns. Be honest about the reasons for the move and reassure them that their feelings are valid.

  • Read Books About Moving: There are many children’s books about moving that can help explain the process in a relatable way. Reading these together can spark conversations and provide comfort.
  • Encourage Questions: Let your kids ask questions and express their fears. Address their concerns with patience and understanding.

Make the New House Feel Like Home

Making the new house feel like home as quickly as possible can ease the transition for your kids. Here’s how:

  • Set Up Their Rooms First: Prioritize setting up your children’s rooms to make them feel comfortable. Let them choose how to arrange their furniture and where to put their favorite items.
  • Decorate Together: Involve your kids in decorating their new space. This can make them feel more at home and excited about their new surroundings.
  • Keep Familiar Items Handy: Make sure to have their favorite toys, blankets, or any comfort items easily accessible during the move.
Housewarming Party with Kids

Housewarming Party with Kids

Create Positive Associations

Create positive memories associated with the new home right from the start. Celebrate the move with a fun activity or treat, like a family movie night or a special meal.

  • Host a Housewarming Party: Invite new neighbors or local friends to a housewarming party. This can help your children feel welcome and start building new relationships.
  • Plan Family Outings: Spend quality family time exploring the new area. Go on walks, visit local attractions, and try new activities together.


Moving with children doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By involving them in the process, maintaining routines, exploring the new area together, communicating openly, making the new house feel like home, and creating positive associations, you can make the transition smooth and exciting for your little ones. Embrace the adventure together, and soon enough, your new house will feel like home.

Remember, change can be a wonderful opportunity for growth and new experiences. With these tips, you can help your children see the move as a positive step forward.

Tips for Moving with Children: Making the Transition Smooth and Exciting

Tips for Moving with Children: Making the Transition Smooth and Exciting

About the Author
Meghan Henderson
Meghan is the Marketing Specialist for The Cameron Team and a published author of two young adult books. She also creates digital and printable planners and trackers, as well as coloring pages for Larkspur & Tea.