Home Tours and Security Systems: Why Loose Lips Can Sink Real Estate Deals

Smart Doorbell

Buying a home is exciting, right? But in the midst of all the excitement, it’s easy to forget that you might be on candid camera—or microphone! With the rise of smart security systems, it’s crucial for home buyers to be conservative about what they say during a home tour. Let’s dive into why you should keep your poker face and your lips sealed when checking out your potential new digs.

The Age of Surveillance: Smart Security Systems Everywhere

Gone are the days when a doorbell was just a doorbell. Nowadays, that innocent-looking device could be equipped with a camera and a microphone. Popular systems like Ring or Nest record video and audio, providing homeowners with real-time surveillance. That means from the moment you enter the driveway, you could be recorded.

So, what’s the big deal? Why should you care? Here’s a look at some reasons why you should watch your words:

  1. Negotiation Leverage: Imagine walking through a home and loudly proclaiming how much you love it. The seller, later reviewing their security footage, hears this and realizes they’ve got you hooked. This could seriously weaken your negotiation position. If they know you’re in love with the place, they might be less willing to budge on price.
  2. Privacy Concerns: While you might think you’re having a private conversation with your partner or real estate agent, that discussion could be heard by the homeowner. Comments about the neighborhood, the home’s condition, or your financial situation are best kept under wraps until you’re in a truly private setting.
  3. Unintended Offense: You might not mean anything by it, but negative comments about the home’s decor, smell, or layout could offend the current homeowner. If they’re reviewing the footage, it could create unnecessary tension or even affect their willingness to negotiate.

Common Places to Find Security Devices

To help you navigate home tours without inadvertently spilling the beans, it’s helpful to know where these devices are commonly found:

  • Doorbells: As mentioned, smart doorbells are a hot spot for surveillance.
  • Living Areas: Security cameras are often placed in living rooms, kitchens, and other high-traffic areas.
  • Exterior Cameras: Don’t forget about outdoor cameras, which can record you as you arrive and leave.
Security Camera in Home

Security Camera in Home

Tips for Keeping It Cool

So, what should you do to ensure your dream home doesn’t slip through your fingers because of an offhand comment? Here are some practical tips:

  • Discuss Sensitive Topics Elsewhere: Save the heavy discussions about price, neighborhood concerns, and repair needs for a phone call or a meeting in a private place.
  • Stick to Neutral Comments: During the tour, keep your comments positive but neutral. Remarks like, “This is nice,” or, “I like the light here,” are safe bets.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Always assume you could be recorded and act accordingly. It’s better to be cautious than to inadvertently give away your bargaining position.

A Unfortunate (But True) Tale

Let me share a little story that illustrates the point. A couple once toured a lovely suburban home. They were in awe of the place but felt the need to discuss a few things privately. While admiring the spacious backyard, the husband quipped, “This place is perfect, but we’ll need to offer $20k less because of the roof.” Little did they know, the doorbell cam caught every word. The seller, reviewing the footage later, decided to play hardball and refused to negotiate on price. The couple ended up losing the house to another buyer who came in with a better offer.

Wrapping It Up

In today’s tech-savvy world, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of what you say during a home tour. With security systems recording your every move, you could inadvertently reveal too much and harm your chances of getting the best deal. So, keep your comments light, your poker face on, and save the in-depth discussions for a more private setting.

And remember, the walls might not have ears, but the doorbells certainly do!

About the Author
Meghan Henderson
Meghan is the Marketing Specialist for The Cameron Team and a published author of two young adult books. She also creates digital and printable planners and trackers, as well as coloring pages for Larkspur & Tea.