What is a Home Energy Audit and How Can It Help a Homeowner?

Home Energy Audit

In today’s environmentally conscious world, a home energy audit has become an increasingly significant aspect of homeownership. Understanding what a home energy audit is and how it can benefit homeowners is essential for those looking to not only reduce their environmental footprint but also enhance their living conditions and save on energy costs.

The Basics of a Home Energy Audit

A home energy audit, also known as a home energy assessment, is a comprehensive examination of your home’s energy use. The primary goal of this audit is to identify areas where energy is being wasted and suggest improvements that can lead to more efficient energy use. This process involves a series of tests and inspections conducted by a professional auditor.

The Process of a Home Energy Audit

  1. Initial Consultation: The audit begins with an initial consultation where the auditor discusses your current energy concerns and reviews your past utility bills.
  2. Inspection: The auditor inspects various aspects of your home, including insulation, windows, doors, and HVAC systems.
  3. Blower Door Test: This test identifies air leaks by depressurizing your home and revealing areas where outside air enters.
  4. Thermographic Scan: Using infrared cameras, auditors can detect areas in the walls and ceilings where insulation may be inadequate.
  5. Ventilation Check: Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining indoor air quality and reducing moisture issues.
  6. Lighting and Appliance Assessment: The auditor examines lighting fixtures, appliances, and electronics for energy efficiency.
A Home Energy Inspector

A Home Energy Inspector

Benefits of a Home Energy Audit

  1. Reduced Energy Bills: By implementing the suggested improvements, homeowners can significantly reduce their energy bills.
  2. Increased Comfort: Addressing issues like air leaks and insufficient insulation can lead to a more comfortable living environment.
  3. Enhanced Home Value: Energy-efficient homes often have higher resale values and are more attractive to buyers.
  4. Environmental Impact: Reducing energy consumption lowers your carbon footprint, contributing to environmental conservation.
  5. Health and Safety: The audit can identify potential safety issues, like gas leaks or poor indoor air quality.

How Homeowners Can Prepare for an Audit

  1. Gather Utility Bills: Prepare a summary of your home’s yearly energy usage to help the auditor understand your energy profile.
  2. List of Concerns: Note any issues like drafty rooms, condensation, or temperature inconsistencies.
  3. Access to All Areas: Ensure that the auditor can access areas like the attic, basement, and all rooms.
A Woman Writing a List

A Woman Writing a List

Implementing Audit Recommendations

After the audit, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the findings and suggestions for improvement. These can range from simple fixes like sealing windows to larger projects like adding insulation or upgrading appliances.

Cost and Savings

The cost of a home energy audit varies depending on the size of your home and the depth of the audit. However, the potential savings in energy costs can be substantial, often offsetting the initial expense over time.

DIY Energy Audit

While professional audits are comprehensive, homeowners can conduct a basic energy audit themselves. This involves checking for air leaks, examining insulation, and assessing appliances and lighting for energy efficiency.

Finding a Professional Auditor

Homeowners should seek qualified professionals for an energy audit. Look for certifications from organizations like the Building Performance Institute (BPI) or the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET).

Tax Credits and Incentives

Some local governments and utility companies offer tax credits, rebates, or incentives for energy audits and home improvements that increase energy efficiency.


A home energy audit is a valuable tool for homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs, improve comfort, and make their homes more environmentally friendly. By understanding the process and benefits of an energy audit, homeowners can take an important step towards making their homes as energy-efficient as possible.

Additional Resources

For those interested in learning more about home energy audits and energy efficiency, numerous resources are available. Websites like Energy Star and the Department of Energy offer comprehensive guides and tips. Additionally, local utility companies often provide information on energy-saving practices and incentives.

About Us

As a team of real estate agents specializing in properties across New Hanover County, Brunswick County, Pender County, and Onslow County, we understand the importance of energy efficiency in homes. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home and need guidance on energy audits or other home-related inquiries, feel free to contact us.

Note: This article is a general guide and provides a comprehensive overview of home energy audits. For more specific advice or information, consulting with a professional home energy auditor.

About the Author
Meghan Henderson
Meghan is the Marketing Specialist for The Cameron Team and a published author of two young adult books. She also creates digital and printable planners and trackers, as well as coloring pages for Larkspur & Tea.