6 Things You Should Never Allow In Your Home’s Pipes

The plumbing pipes are the arteries of your home and just li…

6 Slightly Crazy Things That May Kill Your Home Sale

I have to admit, when I hear some of the feedback we get on …

Domestic Bots to Make Home Maintenance Easier

The display of robotics at this year’s Consumer Electronic…

Installing Home Lighting – Infographic

Adding light fixtures to your home? This infographic covers …

Gutter Maintenance That Could Save You Thousands!

Your home’s gutters provide a vital function, and regular …

Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes

In Wilmington, temps don’t drop below freezing very often,…

How is My Property Zoned and Who Maintains My Street?

If you're property is located within the city limits of Wilm…

Why Didn’t My Home Sell?

Are you frustrated that your home hasn’t sold? It doesn’…

5 Tips for Handling Lead-Based Paint

If you’re home was built on or before 1978, there’s a go…