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$500,000116 SE 45th Street, Oak Island, NC116 SE 45th Street
Oak Island, NC- 2 Beds
- 1 Bath
- 960 Home (sqft)
- 1 Bath
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$564,0001212 N Caswell Avenue, Southport, NC1212 N Caswell Avenue
Southport, NC- 4 Beds
- 4 Baths
- 2,320 Home (sqft)
- 4 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$525,000104 Duba Court, Clayton, NC104 Duba Court
Clayton, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 3,845 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 1.39 Lot (ac)
$150,900912 College Street, Clinton, NC912 College Street
Clinton, NC- 3 Beds
- 1 Bath
- 1,347 Home (sqft)
- 1 Bath
- 12,197 Lot (sqft)
$195,000115 Nc-903, Greenville, NC115 Nc-903
Greenville, NC- 2 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,521 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 16,989 Lot (sqft)
$437,900135 Freedom Park Road, Beaufort, NC135 Freedom Park Road
Beaufort, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,902 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 2,178 Lot (sqft)
$750,000Tbd Misty Morning Trail, Carthage, NCTbd Misty Morning Trail
Carthage, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 55.00 Lot (ac)
$286,4905731 Harebell Road #Lot 157, Leland, NC5731 Harebell Road #Lot 157
Leland, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,763 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 2,178 Lot (sqft)
$115,000801 Paoli Court #25' Dry Slip B-07, Wilmington, NC801 Paoli Court #25' Dry Slip B-07
Wilmington, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 0 Lot (sqft)
$575,0001315 Canal Drive, Sunset Beach, NC1315 Canal Drive
Sunset Beach, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$875,00014115 Allison Drive, Raleigh, NC14115 Allison Drive
Raleigh, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 3,482 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 1.22 Lot (ac)
$199,900522 Perry Street, Troy, NC522 Perry Street
Troy, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,043 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 19,167 Lot (sqft)
$467,99025 Moyock Lane #Lot 240, Wilmington, NC25 Moyock Lane #Lot 240
Wilmington, NC- 5 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,511 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 7,841 Lot (sqft)
$575,000513 Canal Drive #A4, Carolina Beach, NC513 Canal Drive #A4
Carolina Beach, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,586 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 0 Lot (sqft)
$262,000102 Olde Mill Creek Drive, Goldsboro, NC102 Olde Mill Creek Drive
Goldsboro, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,600 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 16,553 Lot (sqft)
$532,000302 Fairview Drive, Beaufort, NC302 Fairview Drive
Beaufort, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,682 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 14,811 Lot (sqft)
$550,0002018 Jumpin Run Drive, Wilmington, NC2018 Jumpin Run Drive
Wilmington, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,139 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 2,614 Lot (sqft)
$500,0007721 Huron Drive, Wilmington, NC7721 Huron Drive
Wilmington, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,957 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 10,455 Lot (sqft)
$325,000901 W Grubb Street, Hertford, NC901 W Grubb Street
Hertford, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,605 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 13,940 Lot (sqft)
$215,0008 Warlick Street, Jacksonville, NC8 Warlick Street
Jacksonville, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,350 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 9,148 Lot (sqft)
$17,5001 N Queens Road, Kinston, NC1 N Queens Road
Kinston, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 9,584 Lot (sqft)
$339,9004709 Matthews Road, Wilson, NC4709 Matthews Road
Wilson, NC- 2 Beds
- 1 Bath
- 1,215 Home (sqft)
- 1 Bath
- 10.75 Lot (ac)
$225,0003606 Colony Drive, New Bern, NC3606 Colony Drive
New Bern, NC- 2 Beds
- 1 Bath
- 1,185 Home (sqft)
- 1 Bath
- 14,811 Lot (sqft)
$282,600155 Fairmax Road, Goldsboro, NC155 Fairmax Road
Goldsboro, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 9.42 Lot (ac)
$3,395,00057 Craven Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC57 Craven Street
Ocean Isle Beach, NC- 5 Beds
- 6 Baths
- 3,440 Home (sqft)
- 6 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
$599,900234 NE 68th Street, Oak Island, NC234 NE 68th Street
Oak Island, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,421 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,534 Lot (sqft)
$825,00057 Wilmington Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC57 Wilmington Street
Ocean Isle Beach, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
$17,5000000 N Queens Road, Kinston, NC0000 N Queens Road
Kinston, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
$350,000511 Lake Company Road, Jacksonville, NC511 Lake Company Road
Jacksonville, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 2,095 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 16,118 Lot (sqft)
$225,0004066 General Howe Highway, Riegelwood, NC4066 General Howe Highway
Riegelwood, NC- 3 Beds
- 4 Baths
- 1,695 Home (sqft)
- 4 Baths
- 1.88 Lot (ac)
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