900 Middle Sound Loop Road, Wilmington, NC 28411 (MLS # 100480018)
Opportunity abounds with this 1.37 acre lot that is located in the heart of Middle Sound Loop Rd. Wonderful location to build your estate home on, Or possible division into 3 lots. Located just past Ogden Elementary school, go around the turn and go past the entrance to Queens Point. Property is on the right side of Middle sound loop rd.
DAYS ON MARKET | 89 | LAST UPDATED | 12/13/2024 |
TRACT | Queens Point | YEAR BUILT | 0 |
COUNTY | New Hanover | STATUS | Active |
PROPERTY TYPE(S) | Lot/Land/Acreage |
Elementary School | Ogden |
Jr. High School | Noble |
High School | Laney |
LOT | 1.37 acre(s) |
SUBDIVISION | Queens Point |
ZONING | R-15 |
/ | |
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