Cedar Grove Middle School
Below are homes for sale in Cedar Grove Middle School District in Supply, NC. The assigned school is provided by the listing agent. We always recommend that buyers verify with Brunswick County Schools that this information is correct, as well as the possibilities of this changing in the near future. Redistricting does occur, and we don't want anyone to buy their dream home in a specific district only to find out that district is changing.
If you are exploring Brunswick County schools, we recommend viewing each school's report card. This gives a breakdown on school performance and teacher qualifications. You can view report cards for all schools in North Carolina here.
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Please let us know if you're interested in viewing any of these homes. Each listing page has a button that will allow you to reach out to us. You can also give us a call at (910) 202-2546 or use our Contact Page.
See property searches for other school districts here.
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$249,990337 Currents Place SE, Bolivia, NC337 Currents Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,202 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$239,200323 Currents Place SE, Bolivia, NC323 Currents Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,202 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$120,000727 Sonata Drive SE, Bolivia, NC727 Sonata Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 1.89 Lot (ac)
$159,0001837 Harbour Edge Lane SW, Supply, NC1837 Harbour Edge Lane SW
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 1.17 Lot (ac)
$329,570327 Currents Place SE, Bolivia, NC327 Currents Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,967 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$45,0003575 Red Berry Court SW, Supply, NC3575 Red Berry Court SW
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 20,038 Lot (sqft)
$336,260316 Currents Place SE, Bolivia, NC316 Currents Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,967 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$299,470341 Currents Place SE, Bolivia, NC341 Currents Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 4 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,775 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
$389,0001056 Mcilwaine Drive SW, Supply, NC1056 Mcilwaine Drive SW
Supply, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,569 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 13,068 Lot (sqft)
$387,420679 Edgeside Drive SE, Bolivia, NC679 Edgeside Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 2,030 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 10,455 Lot (sqft)
$389,0001695 Southport-Supply Road SE, Bolivia, NC1695 Southport-Supply Road SE
Bolivia, NC- 2 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,456 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 3.43 Lot (ac)
$645,000156 Lockhaven Drive SE, Bolivia, NC156 Lockhaven Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,337 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 15,682 Lot (sqft)
$550,0002609 Wildcat Drive SW, Supply, NC2609 Wildcat Drive SW
Supply, NC- 2 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,624 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 34,848 Lot (sqft)
$319,9901247 Rippling Cove Loop SW #Lot 66-Cali S, Supply, NC1247 Rippling Cove Loop SW #Lot 66-Cali S
Supply, NC- 4 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,774 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 15,682 Lot (sqft)
$249,999102 Eagle Creek Drive NE #Lot 384, Bolivia, NC102 Eagle Creek Drive NE #Lot 384
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,281 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,534 Lot (sqft)
$62,0003310 Four Water Lane SW, Supply, NC3310 Four Water Lane SW
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 14,811 Lot (sqft)
$652,400953 Ashburton Road SE, Bolivia, NC953 Ashburton Road SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,337 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 14,811 Lot (sqft)
$990,0002742 Maiden Lane SW, Supply, NC2742 Maiden Lane SW
Supply, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 3,231 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 14,375 Lot (sqft)
$413,000746 Creekway Circle SE, Bolivia, NC746 Creekway Circle SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,118 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 7,841 Lot (sqft)
$289,0003014 Ginger Street SW, Supply, NC3014 Ginger Street SW
Supply, NC- 2 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,380 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 12,633 Lot (sqft)
$59,9002943 Island Drive SE, Bolivia, NC2943 Island Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 13,068 Lot (sqft)
$249,9901748 W Coronado Avenue SE #Lot 163, Bolivia, NC1748 W Coronado Avenue SE #Lot 163
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,265 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 8,277 Lot (sqft)
$997,000200 Ocean Boulevard E, Holden Beach, NC200 Ocean Boulevard E
Holden Beach, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,088 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 5,228 Lot (sqft)
$745,000462 Shiloh Lane SE, Bolivia, NC462 Shiloh Lane SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 4 Baths
- 2,650 Home (sqft)
- 4 Baths
- 15,246 Lot (sqft)
$699,000461 Autumn Chase SE, Bolivia, NC461 Autumn Chase SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,387 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 10,890 Lot (sqft)
$415,9001208 Palatka Place SE, Bolivia, NC1208 Palatka Place SE
Bolivia, NC- 4 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,830 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 10,890 Lot (sqft)
$299,9901283 Rippling Cove Loop SW #Lot 57- Kerry B, Supply, NC1283 Rippling Cove Loop SW #Lot 57- Kerry B
Supply, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,475 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 9,148 Lot (sqft)
$859,000406 Cypress Ridge Drive SE, Bolivia, NC406 Cypress Ridge Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 3,010 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 16,118 Lot (sqft)
$350,0002675 Bluebird Lane SW, Supply, NC2675 Bluebird Lane SW
Supply, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,109 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 42,254 Lot (sqft)
$309,9001551 Gate Hill Road SE, Bolivia, NC1551 Gate Hill Road SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,025 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
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