Brunswick County Homes for Sale
Below are all of the homes listed for sale in Brunswick County, NC. This county includes booming Leland, quaint Southport, quiet Oak Island, unique Bald Head Island, and the beautiful beaches of Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, and Caswell Beach, to name a few. It has options for buyers who want to be near water and those who prefer a rural setting.
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$1,540,0004827 W Beach Drive, Oak Island, NC4827 W Beach Drive
Oak Island, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,112 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 7,406 Lot (sqft)
$45,0006967 Rosebury Court SW, Ocean Isle Beach, NC6967 Rosebury Court SW
Ocean Isle Beach, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 10,019 Lot (sqft)
$329,0006 Keelson Row #B-6, Bald Head Island, NC6 Keelson Row #B-6
Bald Head Island, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 0 Lot (sqft)
$624,9001123 Natal Drive SE, Bolivia, NC1123 Natal Drive SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,651 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 24,394 Lot (sqft)
$20,0003651 Natchez Street SW, Supply, NC3651 Natchez Street SW
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 23,087 Lot (sqft)
$799,900107 SE 21st Street, Oak Island, NC107 SE 21st Street
Oak Island, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,618 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 7,406 Lot (sqft)
$379,9002 Arden Place, Carolina Shores, NC2 Arden Place
Carolina Shores, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,735 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 13,940 Lot (sqft)
$120,00030 Beaufain Street SW #30, Supply, NC30 Beaufain Street SW #30
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 0 Lot (sqft)
$398,500804 Baltimore Court, Winnabow, NC804 Baltimore Court
Winnabow, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 2,080 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 10,455 Lot (sqft)
$539,000147 NE 18th Street, Oak Island, NC147 NE 18th Street
Oak Island, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,272 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,534 Lot (sqft)
$199,0001 SE 34th Street, Oak Island, NC1 SE 34th Street
Oak Island, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 6,534 Lot (sqft)
$635,0004049 Staffordale Drive, Leland, NC4049 Staffordale Drive
Leland, NC- 4 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,554 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 6,970 Lot (sqft)
$425,000750 Creekway Circle SE, Bolivia, NC750 Creekway Circle SE
Bolivia, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,036 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 7,841 Lot (sqft)
$669,9991940 Indigo Cove Way, Calabash, NC1940 Indigo Cove Way
Calabash, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,018 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 5,228 Lot (sqft)
$408,0004769 Yellowood Drive, Shallotte, NC4769 Yellowood Drive
Shallotte, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,908 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 7,406 Lot (sqft)
$40,0000 Old Lanvale Road NE, Leland, NC0 Old Lanvale Road NE
Leland, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 1.05 Lot (ac)
$399,5008974 Smithfield Drive NW #Apt 4, Calabash, NC8974 Smithfield Drive NW #Apt 4
Calabash, NC- 3 Beds
- 4 Baths
- 2,157 Home (sqft)
- 4 Baths
- 0 Lot (sqft)
$589,000225 NE 34th Street, Oak Island, NC225 NE 34th Street
Oak Island, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 1,223 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 6,534 Lot (sqft)
$450,0006515 Funston Road SE, Winnabow, NC6515 Funston Road SE
Winnabow, NC- 3 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,544 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 27,443 Lot (sqft)
$400,0005240 Shipmast Way, Southport, NC5240 Shipmast Way
Southport, NC- 2 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,913 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 9,148 Lot (sqft)
$245,0002188 Trout Avenue SW, Supply, NC2188 Trout Avenue SW
Supply, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,500 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
$374,9008761 Nashville Drive NW, Calabash, NC8761 Nashville Drive NW
Calabash, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,772 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 9,148 Lot (sqft)
$310,000824 Village Point Road SW, Shallotte, NC824 Village Point Road SW
Shallotte, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,200 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 14,811 Lot (sqft)
$1,850,000102 SE 68th Street, Oak Island, NC102 SE 68th Street
Oak Island, NC- 4 Beds
- 6 Baths
- 3,907 Home (sqft)
- 6 Baths
- 8,712 Lot (sqft)
$350,000201 Deacon J W Griffin Boulevard NW, Ash, NC201 Deacon J W Griffin Boulevard NW
Ash, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,992 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 2.82 Lot (ac)
$370,0005218 Alligator Road NW, Ash, NC5218 Alligator Road NW
Ash, NC- 4 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,620 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 1.07 Lot (ac)
$50,0009115 Southern Boulevard SE, Winnabow, NC9115 Southern Boulevard SE
Winnabow, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 21,780 Lot (sqft)
$1,385,00035 Laurinburg Street, Ocean Isle Beach, NC35 Laurinburg Street
Ocean Isle Beach, NC- 5 Beds
- 3 Baths
- 2,241 Home (sqft)
- 3 Baths
- 5,663 Lot (sqft)
$42,000591 S Seascape Boulevard SW, Supply, NC591 S Seascape Boulevard SW
Supply, NC- 0 Beds
- 0 Baths
- 0 Home (sqft)
- 0 Baths
- 15,246 Lot (sqft)
$348,000225 Eagle Claw Drive, Calabash, NC225 Eagle Claw Drive
Calabash, NC- 3 Beds
- 2 Baths
- 1,702 Home (sqft)
- 2 Baths
- 6,099 Lot (sqft)
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